About Jackson Creek

Site-Icon1Psalm 1:3a “He is like a tree planted by streams of water”

Jackson Creek Woodworks is a business that is established to not only offer quality products and services, but to bring honor to the One who created us. It is He who has the desire to have a relationship with His children through the atoning work of Christ, his Son, who died on a wooden cross and rose again. Because of the grace that He has shown us by giving each one of us certain skills, knowledge and abilities, I believe that we are to use those to bring Him glory. Some He has given the ability to lead, some to govern, some to gather wealth. God has blessed me with a humble gift of working with my hands which I hope to use to share His love through another part of His creation: wood. If you would like to know more about your relationship with God and what that means in light of eternity, please feel free to e-mail me from the contact page.
